# Account Protocol

TOP AI Network uses an account model. The account is the basis of all the TOP AI Network's activities.

The address is the unique identifier of an account, and a private key signature is required to operate an account.

# Account Object

An account is an object that contains state information and logic, which includes balances, properties of stored data, and actions for each property.

The account property is an object of user-defined data that is added as a key-value pair, and the user balance is a special property.

A key is an arbitrary String whose value can be any data type, such as integer, String, list, HashMap, and so on.

An action can be a system-level function, such as transfer or a custom action managed by the application smart contract deployed by the account owner.

Account objects and their methods can be easily and flexibly extended with new properties and custom actions

# Account Address

# Account Address Type

The account address types are shown in the table below.

Account Type Description
Normal User Account Independent Account: T8000.
Application Smart Contract Account T30000, sub account of the independent account.Is created when the contract is deployed.
System Smart Contract Account Beacon System Smart Contract Account:T20001 or T20002;
Shard System Smart Contract Account:T20000.


  • Independent Account: T800002276a7d58218ac4978733e5cca927a7d86cb7c87

  • Shard System Smart Contract Account: T20000ML7oBZbitBCcXhrJwqBhha2MUimd6SM9Z6

# Special Account Address

Account address Description
T!0001Ebj8hBvoLdvcEEUwNZ423zM3Kh9d4nL1Ug Destruction address, used to destroy governance rewards, zero workload rewards, etc.

# Account Address Format

TOP address encoding format:

0 1 (2,6) n @ subaddr
T Account type ledger id Public key address @ suffix
Format Length Description
Prefix Identification 1 byte T: Means TOP.
Address Type (addr_type) 1 btye !: Destruction account
0 or 8: Normal account
2: Shard system contract account
3: User contract account
21 or 22: Beacon system contract account
a: Table block account
ledger_id 4 Hex characters Consists of "0" (chain-id of main chain) and zone-index.

  • 0: Consensus zone
  • 1、2: Beacon zone
  • 14: Archive zone
  • 15: Edge zone
public address - Base58 encoding of the public key Hash.
sub_address - Optional, the table to which the account belongs.
For example, the Beacon system contract account is "T-21-38NN9R9DoXrEhaEGKjGDzSmY1ZfgLqSetvQ@0", where "@0" means that the system account is in table 0 in the Beacon network.
This data can print the account to the corresponding network segment.

# Account Address Verification Rules

  1. Position [0] must be "T".

  2. Position [1] needs to be one of the account types.

  3. Position [2-6] is a 4-digit special string:

    • ledger_id needs to be converted from hex to uint32.

    • ledger_id (uint32) contains the account version information.

      • ledger_id algorithm:

        const std::String Text_ledger_id = account_addr.substr(2,4);//always 4 hex chars
        ledger_id = (uint16_t)xText_utl::hex2uint64(Text_ledger_id);
      • Get the account version from ledger_id:

        uint32_t version = (((uint32_t)ledger_id) << 8) | ((uint32_t)addr_type);
  4. Position [7-end] is the public key address.

    • Definition of end:

      • If there is no'@', "end" is the end.
      • If there is '@', then '@'-1 is the end.
    • Public key address verification:

      • Public key address:

        public_address = substr(account, 6, end) // Starts from position 6 to the end
      • The public key address pushes back the public key information, if ecdsa can unlock the public key.

        ecdsa_address_decode(public_address.c_str(), version, HASHER_SHA2D, out) == 1;

# Account Space Shard Mapping

The process of account space mapping to sharding is as follows:


  • Beacon System Smart Contract Account


  • Shard System Smart Contract Account、Normal User Account and Application Smart Contract Account


# Key-pair Generation

# Key-pair of Normal User Account

Private Key

SHA-256 security hashing algorithm is used to generate a random 256-bit private key, starting with "0x".



Public Key

Secp256k1 algorithm is used to generate the public key corresponding to the private key.



Account Address

The ECDSA digital signature algorithm is used to convert the public key into the account address and prefix "T8" according to the account type.



# Key-pair of Application Smart Contract Account


Application smart contract account uses the same public-private key generation algorithm as normal user account.

Account Address

The application smart contract account address is to add the public key of the contract account and the public key of its parent account bit by bit to obtain a set of array, and then uses ECDSA digital signature algorithm to convert the array into address, and add prefix "T30000".



Example of application smart contract account address generation:

 std::String      xecpubkey_t::to_address(const std::String & parent_addr,const char addr_type,const uint16_t ledger_id)
                return to_address(addr_type,ledger_id);

            uint8_t     temp_publickey_data[65];
            memcpy(temp_publickey_data, m_publickey_data, sizeof(temp_publickey_data));
            const int parent_addr_size = std::min((int)parent_addr.size(),65);
            for(int i = 0; i < parent_addr_size; ++i)
                temp_publickey_data[i] += parent_addr[i];
            return to_address(temp_publickey_data, addr_type, ledger_id);

# Keystore File

# Account Keystore File

The account keystore file is your unique private key and a encrypted file that is used to sign transactions. It allows you to store the key in an encrypted manner.

This approach combines security (an attacker needs the account keystore file and your password to steal your assets) and ease of use (you only need the account keystore file and password to access the assets).


If the private key is lost, it means you cant no longer sign the transaction, and your assets are permanently locked up in your account.

So, please keep your private key and account keystore file! Do not disclose your private key and account keystore file password to others!

Keystore file format:

   "account_address" : "T800002276a7d58218ac4978733e5cca927a7d86cb7c87",
   "address" : "2276a7d58218ac4978733e5cca927a7d86cb7c87",
   "crypto" : {
      "cipher" : "aes-128-ctr",
      "cipherparams" : {
         "iv" : "09dade6d3ce2741794e49d65f8dd65a4"
      "ciphertext" : "a45fd491c32ad271039883ed4084e18c57e12cd2c21af1522fe94ba8313634a3",
      "kdf" : "scrypt",
      "kdfparams" : {
         "dklen" : 32,
         "n" : 262144,
         "p" : 1,
         "r" : 8,
         "salt" : "9ed2bcb3349392765fec47bb20776cdb69e0e3a4d19d26da65f9371f83cfc2b5"
      "mac" : "da83cf03746166c877bf319d6371c7f54d518c48c99b1782fdad56e343b812f6"
   "hint" : "",
   "id" : "568498c9-889b-a26d-fa01-bc9a67ffc472",
   "key_type" : "owner",
   "public_key" : "9b473e552fd05ed2e39d4d3af18367cc98859d50a3eb93805e4706b6b86310c83a2c4e847b662266330cef4cfb7c595ad655ab6a18d86708fe7bc00b589a3a68",
   "version" : 3
Parameters Description
account address Account address. When the key_type is "worker", this is the address of the account that the worker key belongs to.
address Ethereum account address.
crypto The private key encryption related information.
cipher Private key encryption algorithm.
cipherparams Cipher encryption algorithm parameters.
iv Vector.
ciphertext Encrypted private key.
kdf Key generation function that lets you encrypt the account keystore file with a password.
kdfparams Kdf algorithm parameters.
dklen The key length of the private key encryption algorithm.
n The number of encryption and decryption operations. The larger the value is, the more the cost of brute force cracking will be, and the the signature speed will be affected as well.
p 1 for serial operation, 0 for parallel operation. Serial operations can increase security and also affect the speed of signatures.
r Encrypted packet length.
salt A randomly generated vector.
mac Message authentication code.
hint The hint of the password of the account keystore.
id uuid.
key_type owner key or worker key.
public_key Account public key.
version Keystore file version.

# Generate Keystore File

  1. Generate the original private key and perform hexadecimal encoding on the original data.

  2. Generate 32-byte salt.

  3. Generate AES 32-byte encryption key. Where: Kdf algorithm is scrypt, hash algorithm is SHA3-256, with the password, to generate the encryption key.

  4. Generate AES 16-byte iv.

  5. Generate ciphertext. Encryption algorithm is AES128, encryption mode is CTR_Mode.

  6. Calculate 32 byte MAC, the last 16 bytes of aes_key are spliced with the encrypted ciphertext, and then hash (SHA3-256) the spliced data.

  7. Write the above data to the file.