# TOPIO Instructions
TOPIO is a tool based on the main chain protocol provided by TOP AI Network for community users. It integrates a command line client and miner main program.
It has the following features:
wallet: Create and manage your account/keys, etc.
miner: Register as a miner, query/claim miner rewards, add/reduce miner deposits, update miner information, etc.
node: Start/stop/restart the node process, query whether the node joins the network, the node connected peers, etc.
staking: Stake TOP for votes, vote for advance miners, claim voter dividend, etc.
transfer: Send TOP to another account.
query transaction: Query detailed information of a transaction such as transaction consensus status.
chain: Query chain information, account information, block information and chain data synchronization status, as well as deploy and call application contracts.
resource: Sending transactions on the chain will consume gas resources, and supports staking TOP for more gas resources.
on-chain governance: TOP AI Network employs a distributed and democratic on-chain governance model, and all on-chain governance activities are carried out through proposals. Support querying on-chain governance parameters, submitting/querying/withdrawing on-chain governance proposals, and TCC voting proposals.
db: Backup and restore the miner's database.