# Application Smart Contract API
# Overview
Remove some of Lua's features, not providing IO, OS, Coroutine, Debug, package libraries.
Deos not support:
collectgarbage, dofile, getmetatable, loadfile, load, lpcall, setmetatable, xpcall.
assert, error, ipairs, next, pairs, warn, tonumber, toText, type.
Keep Lua Table and the basic grammar.
# Methods
Method | Description |
require_owner_auth():bool | Is the account that is executing the contract the contract parent account? |
exec_account():String | Get the account that is running the contract. |
get_balance():number | Get the contract account's parent account's balance. |
get_pay_fee():String,number,String | Gets transaction cost information for the contract runner. |
create_key(key:String):nil | Create a String property named key. |
set_key(key:String, value:String):nil | Set the key and value of the String property. |
get_key(key:String):String | Returns a String property named key. |
lcreate(key:String):nil | Create a List property named Key. |
lpush(key:String, value:String):nil | Add value to the left side of the list property named Key. |
rpush(key:String, value:String):nil | Add value to the right side of the list property named Key. |
lpop(key:String):String | Deletes 1 element on the left of the list property named key, returning the deleted element. |
rpop(key:String):String | Deletes 1 element on the right of the list property named key, returning the deleted element. |
ldel(key:String):nil | Delete the list property named key.。 |
llen(key:String):number | Returns the length of the list property named key. |
lall(key:String):table | Returns all elements of the list property named key. |
hcreate(key:String):nil | Create a hash_map property named key. |
hset(key:String, field:String, value:String):nil | Add key and value to the hash_map named Key: field and value, |
hget(key:String, field:String):String | Returns the value of field in a hash_map named key. |
hlen(key:String):number | Returns the size of a hash_map named key. |
hdel(key:String):nil | Delete the hash_map named Key. |
grant(account:String, amount:number):nil | The amount transferred to the account. |
random_seed():number | Random number under account. |
# Sample of Single Chat
Both parties join the chat, then call send_chat to send the chat.
IN = '1';
OUT = '0';
MAX_NUMBER = 256;--Maximum number of chats
MAX_CONTENT_LEN = 128;--Longest chat content
CHAT_USERS_KEY = 'chat_users';
CHAT_KEY = 'chat';
SENDER = 'sender';
RECEIVER = 'receiver';
TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp';
CONTENT = 'content';
-- Initialization method
function init()
-- Add user
function add_user()
hset(CHAT_USERS_KEY, exec_account(), IN);
-- Delete user
function del_user()
hset(CHAT_USERS_KEY, exec_account(), OUT);
Send Chat
function send_chat(receiver, timestamp, content)
local sender = exec_account();
local sender_user_state = hget(CHAT_USERS_KEY, sender);
local receiver_user_state = hget(CHAT_USERS_KEY, receiver);
if sender_user_state ~= IN or receiver_user_state ~= IN then
error('user first need add to chat_users');
if #content >= MAX_CONTENT_LEN then
error('content length must less than '.. MAX_CONTENT_LEN);
if llen(CHAT_KEY) >= MAX_NUMBER then
local chat_info = '{"'.. SENDER .. '":"' .. sender .. '","' .. RECEIVER .. '":"' .. receiver .. '","'.. TIMESTAMP .. '":' .. timestamp ..',"'.. CONTENT .. '":"' .. content .. '"}';
rpush(CHAT_KEY, chat_info);