# Slashing

When the validator node or the validator and audit nodes concurrently served by advance miners make malicious or fall behind, the system initiates punishment measures for the nodes, as shown in the following table.

Malicious Behavior Description of Malicious Behavior Slashing
Validator Fall behind In a slashing period (24 hours), the validator signing rate of a node ≤ 0%, and its signing rate ranking ≤ the bottom 10% of all validators. When the validator's credit score is minus 0.02.
Slashing is initiated every 24 hours.
The node will be delayed for 12 days to log out at each slashing.
The number of delayed-logout days can be accumulated.
If the node is working normally during the slashing period, the number of normal working days of the node can be subtracted from the delayed-logout days.
Auditor Fall behind In a slashing period (24 hours), a node's auditor signing rate ≤ 0%, and its signing rate ranking ≤ the bottom 10% of all auditors. When the auditor credit score is minus 0.01.
Slashing is initiated every 24 hours.
The node will be delayed for 12 days to log out at each slashing.
The number of delayed-logout days can be accumulated.
If the node is working normally during the slashing period, the number of normal working days of the node can be subtracted from the delayed-logout days.

Block Sign Rate

The shard will periodically report the actual votes in the signed table in node as well as the voting times of the signed table to Beacon, then Beacon will caculates the sign rate of each node.

Validator Sign Rate = Times the node actually voted to sign the table block / Times the node should vote to sign the table block

Auditor Sign Rate = Times the node actually voted to sign the table block / Times the node should vote to sign the table block

Block Sign Rate Ranking

When calculating the validator and auditor sign rate ranking, sorting is based on the node's signing rate.