# On-chain Governance Parameters

# Beacon System Transaction Fee

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
beacon_tx_fee 100,000,000 uTOP The service fee for running the Beacon system contract.

# Gas

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
total_gas_shard(24h) 2,160,000,000,000 Tgas Total gas of single shard(24h).
min_free_gas_balance 100,000,000 uTOP If an account wants to be given free gas, the account must have a balance of at least 100,000,000 uTOP, in order to prevent malicious miners from spamming.
free_gas 25,000 Tgas An account can be given up to 25,000 Tgas for free for one day.
tx_deposit_gas_exchange_ratio 100 uTOP/Tgas Gas price of transaction deposit deducting the gas.
cpu_gas_exchange_ratio 40 nanoseconds The CPU nanoseconds that can be consumed by 1Tgas.
usedgas_reset_interval 8641 clock block(24h10s) Time for used gas decaying to 0.
single_tx_max_cpu_time 0.1s The most CPU time allowed for a single transaction.
min_tx_deposit 100,000 uTOP The minimum value of transaction deposit.
unlock_gas_deposit_delay_time 8641 clock block(24h more than 10s) Delay time of TOP tokens (locked for gas) to arrive account.
max_gas_account 200,000Tgas The most gas that an ordinary account can get in a single day.
max_gas_contract 10,000,000Tgas The most gas that an contract account can get in a single day.
initial_total_gas_deposit 10,000,000,000,000 uTOP Total locked TOP amount at system initialization (gas).
gasprice=initial_total_locked_token/total gas in system. This value is used to form the initial gasprice so that it is not zero.
eth_to_top_exchange_ratio 5004220 The ratio of ETH to TOP.
eth_gas_to_tgas_exchange_ratio 80 The ratio of ETH gas to TOP gas.
top_eth_base_price 40000000000 Gas price, in Gwei.
block_gas_limit 12000000 ETH block gas limit, in Gwei.

# Node Registration

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
min_edge_deposit 200,000*10^6 uTOP The minimum deposit of edge node.
min_validator_deposit 500,000*10^6 uTOP The minimum deposit of validator node.
min_auditor_deposit 1,000,000*10^6 uTOP The minimum deposit of auditor node.
dividend_ratio_change_interval 14 days The dividend ratio modification time interval.
min_mainnet_active_archives 1 The minimum number of archive nodes when the main network is activated.
min_mainnet_active_auditors 128 The minimum number of auditor nodes when the main network is activated.
min_mainnet_active_edges 1 The minimum number of edge nodes when the main network is activated.
min_mainnet_active_votes 384,000,000 The minimum number of votes when the main network is activated.
min_mainnet_active_validators 512 The minimum number of validator nodes when the main network is activated.

# Stake Votes And Vote Nodes

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
min_stake_votes_num 1 The minimum number of votes to be exchanged, starting at 1,000 votes.
min_votes_pernode_num 1 The minimum number of votes. In a transaction, the number of votes added or cancelled for each node must be greater than this value.
max_vote_nodes_num 10,000 The maximum number of voting nodes for a single account.
votes_report_interval 300 s shard votes reporting interval.

# Additional Issue And Rewards

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
mining_annual_ratio_from_reserve_pool 8% Annual total reward ratio/Remaining reserved rewards ratio at the beginning of the year
The total reward ratio is decreasing year by year, next year reward ratio = max (remaining reward ratio at the beginning of the nth year * 8%, 2%), the first year ratio is 38% * 8% = 3.04%, the second year total reward ratio = (38 %-3.04%) * 8% = 2.7968%, and so on.
min_mining_annual_ratio 2% Minimum annual total reward ratio: 20 billion TOP*2%.
vote_reward_ratio 20% The ratio of node vote rewards to the total rewards. All nodes with votes are rewarded according to their votes to all votes in the system.
governance_reward_ratio 4% The ratio of on-chain governance reward to the total rewards.
edge_reward_ratio 3% The ratio of edge node work reward to the total rewards.
auditor_reward_ratio 10% The ratio of auditor node work reward to the total rewards.
validator_reward_ratio 60% The ratio of validator node work reward to the total rewards.
reward_distribute_interval 12 h Reward calculation and issue interval.
workload_timer_interval 18 clock block Time of the timer to check if there is a reward to issue.
workload_per_tx 1 Workload of each additional transaction encapsulated in the table block generated by the consensus leader.
workload_per_tableblock 2 The workload of each table block generated by the consensus leader.
workload_collection_interval 12 Workload collection interval.
validator_group_zero_workload 0 When the validator shard work is less than or equal to this value, the shard is calculated as zero work.
auditor_group_zero_workload 0 When the auditor cluster work is less than or equal to this value, the cluster is calculated as zero work.
min_node_reward 0 The minimum value for miners to withdraw rewards, below this threshold, withdrawals will fail.
min_voter_dividend 0 The minimum value for voters to withdraw dividend, below this threshold, withdrawals will fail.

# Node Punishment and Credit Score Reward

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
punish_collection_interval 66 Punish collection interval.
slash_interval_time_block 8640 clock block(24 h) Penalty cycle (clock block).
slash_interval_table_block 368640 table block Penalty cycle (table block).
sign_block_slash_threshold_value 0% Penalty threshold for signing ratio.
Signing rate: actual number of blocks/number of blocks that should be generated (number of times being elected as leader). Penalize nodes with a block signing rate ≤ 0 (off-line). Applicable to auditors and validators.
sign_block_ranking_slash_threshold_value 10% Penalty threshold for signing ratio ranking.
Applicable to auditors and validators. Nodes whose ranking is less than the last 10% of the total number of nodes may be punished.
min_creditscore 0.33 The minimum credit score of the node.
The initial value of a newly registered node, and the penalty credit points must not be lower than 0.1. Applicable to auditors and validators,
validator_slash_creditscore 0.1 Credit score confiscated when validator falls behind.
The node works normally during the penalty period, an increase of 0.03 points can be added, so the penalty for falling behind is 0.1 points, which means that one time of falling behind requires 3.3 days of normal work to recover.
auditor_slash_creditscore 0.1 Credit score confiscated when auditor falls behind.
The node works normally during the penalty period, an increase of 0.03 points can be added, so the penalty for falling behind is 0.1 points, which means that one time of falling behind requires 3.3 days of normal work to recover.
sign_block_awardcredit_threshold_value 0% Reward threshold for signing rate. Reward the nodes with signed blocks > 0.
sign_block_ranking_awardcredit_threshold_value 80 Reward threshold for signing rate ranking.
Credit points rewards for nodes ranked < top 80%* total number of nodes; applicable to auditors and validators.
validator_award_creditscore 0.03 Increased credit of validator.
An increase of 0.03 points every 24 hours, from 0.1 point to 1 point, requires 30 days of normal work.
auditor_award_creditscore 0.03 Increased credit of auditor.
An increase of 0.03 points every 24 hours, from 0.1 point to 1 point, requires 30 days of normal work.
slash_nodedeposit_lock_duration_increment 1036810 clock block(12 d) The increased deposit lock-up period for nodes falling behind.
slash_max_nodedeposit_lock_duration 3110400 clock block(360 d) The maximum lock-up period of the node deposit.
If a node falls behind for 30 consecutive days, the node deposit will be locked for 1 year.

# Whitelist

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
toggle_whitelist 0 (false) Turn on/off the whitelist. The whitelist is turned off by default in the creation, and is turned on (changed to 1) after the creation.
whitelist genesis accounts Whitelist content.

# On-chain Governance

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
tcc_proposal_expire_time 259200 clock block Proposal expire time: 30 days.
tcc_member Account list Number of TCC members.
min_tcc_proposal_deposit 0 The minimum value of proposal deposit.

# Election

<! -- 以下参数删除

auditor_group_count 2 Number of auditor group.

validator_group_count 4 Number of validator group.


Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
rec_election_interval 259201 clock cycle
30 days plus 1 block
Beacon group election interval.
zec_election_interval 259183 block cycle
30 days minus 17 blocks
CEC group election interval.
zone_election_trigger_interval 31 clock cycle zone election trigger interval (before creation).
edge_election_interval 360 clock cycle edge election interval.
archive_election_interval 360 clock cycle archive election interval.
cluster_election_interval 60 clock cycle consensus cluster election interval(before creation).
election_rotation_count_ratio 8% The ratio of the maximum number of nodes to be rotated to the current group_size.
cluster_election_minimum_rotation_ratio 66% For consensus node elections, when the number of optional ingress nodes <= 66%*current group_size, rotation is required.
min_auditor_group_size 6 The minimum number of nodes in the auditor group.
max_auditor_group_size 64 The maximum number of nodes in the auditor group.
min_validator_group_size 6 The minimum number of nodes in the validator group.
max_validator_group_size 128 The maximum number of nodes in the validator group.
min_election_committee_size 32 The minimum number of nodes in the REC group.
max_election_committee_size 256 The maximum number of nodes in the REC group.
max_auditor_rotation_count 2 The number of clusters updated when each auditor group rotates.
max_edge_group_size 512 The maximum number of nodes in the edge group.
max_archive_group_size 512 The maximum number of nodes in the archive group.
rec_standby_pool_update_interval 11 Regular refresh interval of Beacon candidate pool (the latest node information of the registered contract will be synchronized when triggered).
zec_standby_pool_update_interval 31 Beacon candidate pool regular refresh interval (when triggered, the latest credible height of the Beacon candidate pool will be obtained).
cross_reading_rec_standby_pool_contract_height_step_limitation 12 The maximum step size limit when the Beacon candidate pool obtains the credible height of the Beacon candidate pool.
cross_reading_rec_standby_pool_contract_logic_timeout_limitation 67 The overtime for the Beacon candidate pool to obtain the trusted height of the Beacon candidate pool.
fullnode_election_interval 36 fullnode cluster election interval.
max_fullnode_group_size 512 Maximum number of fullnode groups.
exchange_election_interval 360 exchange cluster election interval.
eth_election_interval 360 eth cluster election interval.
min_eth_auditor_group_size 6 eth auditor group Minimum number of nodes.
max_eth_auditor_group_size 64 The maximum number of nodes in the eth auditor group.
min_eth_validator_group_size 6 The minimum number of nodes in the eth validator group.
max_eth_validator_group_size 128 The maximum number of nodes in the eth validator group.

# Node Stake

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
max_validator_stake 5,000 The maximum validator stake. When the validator stake reaches the maximum value, no more deposits or votes will be calculated.
auditor_nodes_per_segment 27 The number of nodes in the group after auditor stake grouping.

# Consensus

Parameter Name Initial Value Description of Parameters/Initial Value
tx_send_timestamp_tolerance 5 mins The allowable error time of the transaction sending timestamp between the wallet client and each node. Transactions larger than this error are discarded.
custom_property_name_max_len 16 bytes Maximum byte length of the property name.
custom_property_max_number 128 The maximum number of user-defined properties.
application_contract_code_max_len 32768 bytes The maximum byte length of the application contract code.
fullunit_interval_units_num 21 The number of units packed in a fullunit.
tableblock_batch_unitblock_max_num 64 The maximum number of units packed in a table block.
contract_call_contracts_num 25 The number of contracts that can be run at the same time in a transaction from a contract account.