# Manage Wallet
This guide will show you how to create account and worker key, set default account, import keystore file, etc.
The wallet commands are shown in the table below.
Command | Description |
topio wallet createAccount | Create account. |
topio wallet importAccount | Import account. |
topio wallet createKey | Create worker key for the account. |
topio wallet listAccounts | List all accounts in the wallet. |
topio wallet setDefaultAccount | Set a default account to send transactions. |
topio wallet resetKeystorePwd | Reset keystore file password. |
topio wallet exportAccount | Export the private key. |
# Create An Account
Create a local account. You can create multiple accounts.
Each account will have a unique pair of public and private keys, called the owner key, which has all the permissions of the account, including but not limited to sending transactions, mining, etc.
Please remember your keystore file password. If you lose the password, you will not be able to use the account. And the system does not have the option of "forgot password", only the password can be retrieved through the password prompt.
Do not share your keystore file and file password with others, so as to avoid asset loss!
topio wallet createAccount
Request Parameters
Option Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
-p,--password | - | String | Create an account with a password. If you do not add this option, it will create an account without a password. The password consists of numbers and letters, 8-16 characters. |
-f, --pwd_file_path | - | - | Create an account with a password file. |
-h, --help | - | - | Check the command's help information. |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
Account Address | String | You can share your public key and account address with anyone. Others need them to interact with you. The address created here is a normal user account address, beginning with a "T80000" identifier. |
Owner public-key | String | Account public key and private key always come in pairs, the private key is stored in the owner keystore file, about the keystore file, please see the Account Protocol. Public key which is used for encryption and signature verification. |
Request Sample
topio wallet createAccount
Response Sample
Successfully create an account locally! You can share your public key and account address with anyone. Others need them to interact with you! You must nerver share the private key or account keystore file with anyone! They control access to your funds! You must backup your account keystore file! Without the file, you will not be able to access the funds in your account! You must remember your password if you set it! Without the password, it's impossible to use the keystore file! Account Address: T800002276a7d58218ac4978733e5cca927a7d86cb7c87 Owner public-Key: BAW5r2JJd/j7Wr6iISO7ki5+YE2OKflaG7dVbV+u1EkPpcAqe3Ou10EPNlKjlI4EsAJR9LBc+Fv9DC1Znm8rKcU=
Password error! Please set a password for the account keystore file. The password must consist of Numbers and Letters, 8 to 16 characters.
# Import An Account
Import an account by importing private key.
topio wallet importAccount
Request Parameters
Option Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
-p, --password | - | String | Set a password when importing an account. If you do not add this option, the system will import an account without a password. The password consists of numbers and letters, 8-16 characters. |
-h, --help | - | - | Check the command's help information. |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
Account Address | String | The account address corresponding to the imported private key. |
Public-Key | String | Public key, used for encryption and signature verification. |
Request Sample
topio wallet importAccount
After running the command, enter the private key according to the returned message.
Response Sample
Import successfully.
Account Address: T80000968927100f3cb7b23e8d477298311648978d8613
Public-Key: BK2CfxnSP0cL9/dbi6b3krWUlQP1jP4EIHu5Y5c2vMBNLMYMOE8K3mqOubDPQXBXc/D4ydtR0LDyWUEyxHO/ZZU=
# Create Worker Key
Create multiple public and private key pairs for an account. Such public and private key pairs are called worker keys. It can be granted mining permissions, but no transaction permissions. We recommend that you use worker key to mine online and keep the owner key offline to make your assets more secure.
topio wallet createKey
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | |
account_addr | No | Default account. | String | The account to which the worker key belongs. If not specified, a worker key will be created for the default account . |
Option Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
-p, --password | - | String | Create worker key with a password. If you do not add this option, it will create a worker key without a password. The password consists of numbers and letters, 8-16 characters. |
-f, --pwd_file_path | - | - | Create worker key with password file. |
-h, --help | - | - | Check the command's help information. |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
Public Key | String | Public key which is used for encryption and signature verification. |
worker public_key | String | Public key of worker key. |
Request Sample
topio wallet createKey -p
Response Sample
Successfully create a worker keystore file! You can share your public key and account address with anyone. Others need them to interact with you! You must nerver share the private key or account keystore file with anyone! They control access to your funds! You must backup your account keystore file! Without the file, you will not be able to access the funds in your account! You must remember your password if you set it! Without the password, it's impossible to use the keystore file! Account Address: T800002276a7d58218ac4978733e5cca927a7d86cb7c87 worker public-key: BAW5r2JJd/j7Wr6iISO7ki5+YE2OKflaG7dVbV+u1EkPpcAqe3Ou10EPNlKjlI4EsAJR9LBc+Fv9DC1Znm8rKcU=
Password does not meet the format requirements:
Password error!
# List All Accounts in the Wallet
topio wallet listAccounts
Request Parameters
Option Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
-h,--help | - | - | Check the command help information. |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
account | String | Account address. If the account address is marked with "default account", it means that this account is currently being used. |
owner public-key | String | The public key of the account in base58 format. If the owner public-key is marked with "registered as minerkey", it means that the owner key is registered as the miner key. |
balance | Uint64 | Account balance, unit is TOP. Note the difference between "-" and "0" when the balance is displayed: -: Indicates that this account has not been created on the chain; 0: Indicates that this account has been created on the chain, but the current balance is 0. |
nonce | Uint64 | The nonce of the latest successful transaction. Unique in the global network. |
worker public-key | String | The base58 format public key list of the worker key of this account. If the the worker public key is marked with "register as minerkey",it means that the worker key is registered as miner key. |
Request Sample
topio wallet listAccounts
Response Sample
No default account account #0: T8000066ab344963eaa071f9636faac26b0d1a39900325 owner public-key: BFPQ1X11sm+OU9ua3DeEnzwYb7npoa+uhJXcdi4i205y7PaXzfDwAUGGdaV6qj3k2V7lUQiFDuofl5CaFhjaXlQ= balance: 10000000.000000 TOP nonce: 0 worker public-key list: public key #0: BG2KavysdOhOzfHPIHR2kBpq2SMw/M+n4S0Q90PS7bVZ9tV2ipPsbKeQmgyBx+BErOH0kgnGFvq++3rj3v6YxfA= ------------------------------------------------------ account #1: T8000085a8e8acd53c72dca85dcb002a6710796975b4ba owner public-key: BJL6rIirL1m7ox+hKHymSISULh8HPYI8772Wq7h0oUga8exzuRrTR599inROGNkGK5O8buwFhe+E2WKyYD3l8tE= balance: 30000000.000000 TOP nonce: 0
There is no account in wallet.
# Set Default Account
The following scenarios need to set the default account:
There are multiple accounts in the wallet, and a default account needs to be set for sending transactions.
There is only one account with password in the wallet. You need to set this account as the default account to send transactions.
Switch the account to send transaction.
If there is no operation (query or send transaction) within 30 minutes at the front desk of TOPIO, the default account you set will be invalid and you need to reset a default account.
topio wallet setDefaultAccount
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Default Value | Type | Description |
account_addr | Yes | - | String | Account address. |
Option Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
-p, --password | - | String | The password set when the account was created. |
-h, --help | - | - | Check the command's help information. |
Response Parameters
Request Sample
topio wallet setDefaultAccount T8000085a8e8acd53c72dca85dcb002a6710796975b4ba
Response Sample
Set default account successfully.
The owner key does not exist:
The account's owner keystore file does not exist in wallet.
The password is wrong or the owner key has no password:
Password error! Hint: Set default account failed.
# Reset Keystore File Password
Support resetting owner keystore and worker keystore file password.
topio wallet resetKeystorePwd
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Default Value | Type | Description |
public_key | Yes | - | String | Public key of owner key or worker key. |
Option Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
-h, --help | - | - | Check the command's help information. |
Response Parameters
Request Sample
Old format
topio wallet resetKeystorePwd BERrbuiBZ66gYHHhx2/4OzqHwqC+DrJRh7vdPz5e8fHD+OwGhgmRjnoNbyM2rnI9eXTjuSOvAGG5J1tOAyMFnVQ=
New format
topio wallet resetKeystorePwd ad827f19d23f470bf7f75b8ba6f792b5949503f58cfe04207bb9639736bcc04d2cc60c384f0ade6a8eb9b0cf41705773f0f8c9db51d0b0f2594132c473bf6595
Response Sample
Successfully reset password!
Old password error:
Password error! Hint: basketball Set default account failed.
# Export Private Key
Export and show the wallet private key and keystore file content. After exporting, you can copy and save it locally.
topio wallet exportAccount
Request Parameters
Option Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
-h, --help | - | - | Check the command's help information. |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
Account Address | String | Account address. When exporting the keystore file, the corresponding account address will be printed here. |
Private-Key | String | The private key. |
Request Sample
topio wallet exportAccount T80000968927100f3cb7b23e8d477298311648978d8613
Response Sample
About the format of Keystore file, see Account Protocol.
Export successfully.
Keystore file: /root/topnetwork/keystore/T80000968927100f3cb7b23e8d477298311648978d8613
Account Address: T80000968927100f3cb7b23e8d477298311648978d8613
Private-Key: b0032f8057051b611a7c0ea373da4d7a6764351030ed497e6134fd9e11775b19
"account_address" : "T80000968927100f3cb7b23e8d477298311648978d8613",
"address" : "968927100f3cb7b23e8d477298311648978d8613",
"crypto" : {
"cipher" : "aes-128-ctr",
"cipherparams" : {
"iv" : "e40a554c807b913c6e882e933ee6c103"
"ciphertext" : "762381ac2219511c647d27424761e81fecc14170eeff6e20412d6c9311149060",
"kdf" : "scrypt",
"kdfparams" : {
"dklen" : 32,
"n" : 262144,
"p" : 1,
"r" : 8,
"salt" : "69c473d9a1ae16ad7cbab057101ccb9632d4109bf7f44e7ff2eba59e269f9932"
"mac" : "7d3c31b6aa3f43885682259e6e632b44799700cc7030bdbc1dddb2f587066dac"
"hint" : "",
"id" : "b2951865-c391-9d98-ff85-83e149f88990",
"key_type" : "owner",
"public_key" : "BK2CfxnSP0cL9/dbi6b3krWUlQP1jP4EIHu5Y5c2vMBNLMYMOE8K3mqOubDPQXBXc/D4ydtR0LDyWUEyxHO/ZZU=",
"version" : 3